Two decades ago when the country had just one channel 'Doordarshan' the channel had a captive audience without any age bar, right from chunnu munnus to babus to chachas to dadis everyone were its audience. But now with the onslaught of media houses which start a new channel every six month creating a niche for itself, one question which arises is- Does mass marketing as a practice exists anymore? I guess not.
The first factor which supports my argument is the number of channels and their target audience.
Say a dedicated[stereotype] star plus viewer[read female 27 and above] would hardly take interest in watching star world.. say a 'serious' news channel viewer would hardly take any interest in watching India TV which is yet another [so called] 'news channel'.
Second factor is again based on the fact that kind of ads which are shown
We all know that a scroch brite ad would not come in star sports or cartoon network as the channels itself caters to one particular segment of customers with very well defined common characteristics.
So basically any marketing effort which is put in place is from the beginning a sort of micro marketing and not mass marketing. Even if you say that products like coke or any biscuit is shown on almost every channel, there again the company is targeting one particular segment in its ad barring a few cases where celebrity endorsers are used[ saif and kaif offer-- lays]
Now with such clear fragmentation of market on how many channels are you going to put out your advertisement is the basic question? How is that decided? Even if you put it out.., how efficient will be your marketing strategy.. How is it qualitatively measured? what is your ROTI and ROMI. Is there a better way to market the product.., can there be an innovative way of both advertising and selling?
The answer according to me is micro marketing which is aided with on ground aggressiveness than wage a TV ad war.
P.S- When it comes to waging an on the ground assault, the best example which comes to my mind is D-Mart. This is one brand so deeply rooted to ground that it is next to impossible even for an organisation like future group to uproot them. D-Mart doesn't believe in marketing too much, but the main differentiating factor for them is 'pure business' they work with best set of business practices keeping customers in mind.
The first factor which supports my argument is the number of channels and their target audience.
Say a dedicated[stereotype] star plus viewer[read female 27 and above] would hardly take interest in watching star world.. say a 'serious' news channel viewer would hardly take any interest in watching India TV which is yet another [so called] 'news channel'.
Second factor is again based on the fact that kind of ads which are shown
We all know that a scroch brite ad would not come in star sports or cartoon network as the channels itself caters to one particular segment of customers with very well defined common characteristics.
So basically any marketing effort which is put in place is from the beginning a sort of micro marketing and not mass marketing. Even if you say that products like coke or any biscuit is shown on almost every channel, there again the company is targeting one particular segment in its ad barring a few cases where celebrity endorsers are used[ saif and kaif offer-- lays]
Now with such clear fragmentation of market on how many channels are you going to put out your advertisement is the basic question? How is that decided? Even if you put it out.., how efficient will be your marketing strategy.. How is it qualitatively measured? what is your ROTI and ROMI. Is there a better way to market the product.., can there be an innovative way of both advertising and selling?
The answer according to me is micro marketing which is aided with on ground aggressiveness than wage a TV ad war.
P.S- When it comes to waging an on the ground assault, the best example which comes to my mind is D-Mart. This is one brand so deeply rooted to ground that it is next to impossible even for an organisation like future group to uproot them. D-Mart doesn't believe in marketing too much, but the main differentiating factor for them is 'pure business' they work with best set of business practices keeping customers in mind.
- Prabhav G.
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